During the 2017-2018 school year, largely due to the success of last year’s golf outing, we were able to provide a tenth round of funding to the schools, including the following grants:
Protective Carrying Bags for Chromebooks
For the third year, a district grant for Chromebook bags to protect the Chromebooks that Valleyview students use both during the school day and at home throughout the school year.
Enrichment Through Dance
A World Dance Residency program for elementary school students in grades 1 & 2 in which the students learned folk dances representing different countries and cultures.
Going Green
Power measuring kits for students to measure and evaluate power use and efficiency both in the school and at home.
Expo International Night
Support for the Expo program’s international night at Valleyview.
Flexible Seating & Desks
Multiple flexible seating and desk options which help increase student attention and learning.
School Garden Phase II
Phase two of Valleyview Middle School’s garden, allowing students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades to plan, plant, grow, and maintain a garden utilizing multiple disciplines such as biology, science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Ten Chromebooks for the Lakeview media center to ensure more children are able to access the rich media resources available online.
Dash & Dot S.T.E.M. Robots
Sixteen Dash & Dot robots which teach robotics, programming, math, and logic to Riverview students from Kindergarten to 5th grades as part of the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) program.
Drumming Up Character
A Drumming Up Character Residency program for elementary school students in which the theme of character education is interwoven with drumming instruction.